Singaporeans claim that better pay than awards is a more efficient way to lower the level of churn in healthcare.

SINGAPORE: On July 19, Ms Elena Mohamed Ayob, deputy director of nursing at Singapore General Hospital (SGH), was honoured with the President’s Award for Nurses, recognising her efforts in helping cut manpower attrition. However, Singaporeans argue that better pay is a more effective way to reduce the attrition rate in health care. Ms Elena, who…

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Twitter Profile @LKYMM23 – India’s Latest Attempt At Influencing Politics in Singapore

In the digital age, the manipulation of online narratives has become a ubiquitous phenomenon, with governments, political entities, and individuals alike engaging in the dissemination of information and disinformation for various purposes. While China’s notorious internet brigade has often taken centre stage in discussions about online manipulation, it’s crucial to recognize that such activities are…

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